Our classes are different, why?
Music Learning Theory (MLT) is an explanation of how we learn when we learn music.
Based on an extensive body of research and practical field testing by Edwin E. Gordon and others, Music Learning Theory is an explanation of how we learn when we learn music.
MLT focuses on children’s natural music attitude development. Music is a key element in supporting language; attention and concentration; non-verbal communication; motor and socio-emotional development.
The main idea of MLT is that we learn music in the same way we learn language.
Children need to be exposed to a rich musical environment to develop their musical potential as much as they are exposed to the complexity of language when they are newborn babies (actually even before). That’s why we sing songs that are composed in all the tonalities, modes and tempos and not only simple nursery rhymes.
Why do we sing without words? In the videos, you will see me performing melodic and rhythmic songs without words, singing with neutral syllables like pam or bam. Spoken language is predominant in our children’s lives and this is why at Music Tree we primarily sing music without words. Our brain naturally focuses on language to understand the meaning of lyrics. As a result, more of the musical aspects within songs, such as melody, rhythm and harmony, are only absorbed afterwards. We call these songs PAM PAM SONGS.
Why do we sing PAM or BAM? PAM-BAM are neutral syllables that children can repeat very easily. This allows for an early musical dialogue that can be shared between you and your child (the letters P, B and A are some of the first sounds produced by a child).
Why a non-verbal video? I strongly believe in creating a space of silence after every song to allow a moment for a child to process and respond to the music… but that moment is not empty! It’s actually full of the sounds that children have just listened to and that are resonating in their minds. It’s actually in this moment that they are developing their internal musical listening and comprehension (called by Edwin Gordon Audiation).
Children should be free to move in the room, why? To create a positive relationship with music and to develop rhythm and other musical skills. Children should be free to connect with music in the way they prefer. As they grow, children express themselves depending on their age and personality. As teachers, we know that even if they’re not looking at us while we're singing, they are listening.
Children learn music following the same process in which they learn language.